Welcome back my friends, today I am going to illustrate you "How to make a Android Web Browser in Kodular?" We will make this web browser in Kodular Creator. This will be a basic web browser. By this project we will how to handle Web View provided in Kodular Creator. We will also learn about many design elements. I am sure you are excited with this project. So, here we start our tutorial without any more discussion. But before starting our tutorial I want to tell you that what are things we will learn in this tutorial: 1. How to design splash screen? 2. How to use text box with web view? 3. How to use material typeface buttons? 4. How to use Horizontal arrangement layout? 5. How to use if-then-else statement? and many other things which we will use while making this web browser. And now you might be more excited for this project. Now, we move on to our tutorial for making a web browser in Kodular creator; How to make a Browser in Kodular Creator ? We will learn to make a we...