How to add Professional Sidebar in Kodular Creator?
Welcome to Learn Web Series of Kodular App Development Series. As you have seen in title today we are going are going to learn how to add Sidebar in Kodular Project. So, without wasting any more time Firstly we discuss about some FAQ's about Sidebar in Android.
FAQ's about Sidebar
1. What is Sidebar?
You may have seen in many apps that a layout appear sliding containing many option in it, this layout is called sidebar. In Kodular we get a dedicated component for this sidebar. So, by this we can easily add sidebar in our app. In today's tutorial we are going to learn How to design and make this sidebar working in our Kodular Project? I think now you are excited about this component and How to use it.
2. Benefits of adding Sidebar:
There are many benefits of using this component in your project. This component makes your app more user friendly and attractive. There are also many other benefits such as it makes navigation throughout our application easy for our users. This component also improve UI and UX for our application. We can also give many options which can be easily accessed from here to our user and doesn't confuse our users in our application.
Now we should move to our Tutorial....
1. How to implement Sidebar component in our app?
Step 1: Check for Layout option and click on Navigation option.
Step 2: Now you will find there Side Menu Layout. So, simply drag and drop this component to your app.
Search For Side menu layout in components and find the Side menu Layout component there. Then simply drag and drop this Component to your project.
So, until here we have completed the implementation of sidebar in our app.
1. Properties of Side Menu Layout:
1. Background Color:
This option sets the Background image of the side menu layout.
2. Circle Image Header:
This Crops and shows the image of Header of Sidebar as Circle.
3. Disabled Color:
This sets the color of Disabled option in Sidebar.
4. Enabled Color:
This sets the color of the Enabled option in Sidebar.
5. Header background Picture:
This is used to select the Background picture of header of Sidebar.
6. Header Picture:
This shows the provided image in the Header.
7. Header Subtitle:
This adds a subtitle that is to be shown in the header.
8. Header Title:
This is used to add a title in the header of Sidebar.
9. Selected option:
This sets the color of option that is selected.
Blocks of Side Menu Layout:
1.Add Item to Sidebar:
This blocks add option to a sidebar. You have to add this block multiple times to add multiple items.
1. Title:
This sets title of the Item to be added.
2. Image:
This adds the image as icon for option before Title.
3. Enabled:
This sets the option as clickable or not.
4. Checked
This sets the item being added as selected.
5. Group:
This adds the item to a given number.
2. Remove Item:
This remove item with the Provided title in Side Menu layout.
3. When item selected:
This handles the action when any option is selected. You can handle this situation with if then else block such as,
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