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How to improve UI and UX of your android application?


How to improve UI and UX of your android application?

Koders, you are welcomed to Learn web online. So, as you have seen today we will be learning How we can Improve UI of our applications make in Kodular creator. Today, I will be sharing my own methods that I prefer using to Improve UI of my android applications. Before we start our tutorial I want to tell you if you are new to Learn Web online then Keep connected with us for getting more interesting tutorials related to Kodular application development.

But firstly we would talk about why is a better UI important for our applications. Here are the main things which proves the importance of a better UI in Kodular Crerator ;

1. More Downloads:

If the UI of your application is good then it will surely help you to get more downloads in play store. Users will get attracted by the screenshots which you provided to app store if they shows a good UI design.

2. Better engagement: 

A better app UI design will help you to get more user engagement in your app as this will attract user to stay for a long time helping you to get better user engagements.

3. Positive reviews: 

A better UI will help you to get more positive reviews from your users if you have a better application design and UI. This will help you to fetch higher ranking in app store rankings.

4. More shares:

 A app with better UI will have more to get recommended by a user to another person. This will help you to get your application popular in shorter time without paid promotion.

I think now you got that How important is UI for your application's success. Now we can move to learn what are the best methods which we can use to improve UI of our application:

1. Use color combination:

This is the first and the most important method that will have to to improve UI for your application. Color combination is the basic method that will help you to design a better UI for your application. For this you have to check which colors suits your application. For this you can use color scheme from, If you want to pick a color combination scheme for your application you can go to color tool from here.

You can edit and design the color scheme for your android application easily from here. This tool will surely help you to make a perfect color scheme for your android application. You can edit the color scheme according to your choice also and check which color scheme suits your application best.

From here you can also get the HEX color codes for the color scheme for your application which makes it easy to set the exact color in your UI design.

Now we move to the second step for improving UI of our applications....

2. Getting UI design inspirations

The second thing that we need to follow is that we should keep updated with the latest UI designs in the design market. This will give you guys a perfect design inspirations for developing your application from scratch. I think you may have heard about, if not then I will tell you that. Simply dribbble is a online website which provide us the design inspirations and to hire designer. For example if I am making a wallet app the I will search wallet in dribbble then I get the design inspirations from other designers and we can contact to the designers to use their designs or hire them to  design our application.

Keeping updated with dribbble will help you to stay updated with the latest improvements in the UI designs in applications market.  If you are having any difficulty to get design inspirations for your applications then you can get the best inspirations for any kind of application.
This was the second method which we can use to improve UI design of our applications and now we can move to the third step to improve UI of our applications....

3.  Font typeface

We get some font typefaces in kodular creator but they are not enough to complete our typeface need as they are simple and not such a good looking. So we need to get better typefaces to use in our applications. Font typefaces are a main part of our application's UI design.
So, we need to use a better typeface to improve UI of our applications UI design. You can buy premium font licences if you have a high budget for your applications. If you have low budget and don't want to buy licences for typeface then you can use Fontfabric's  free fonts with licence
You can get to fontfabric from here.

This was our third steps which I recommend you to improve the UI of your applications. I think you might have got it. Now, we will move to the 4th method to improve UI of our applications.....

4. Gradient Background

The fourth method which I would like to prefer is that you can use gradient background for background of components in our application. I also provided a tutorial on how can you use gradient effect in your applications which you can read by clicking here.

Gradient is always a thing in applications which attracts user towards your application. This will make make your application 1.5 times good looking. This looks a very small thing but it affects you app completely. I think this will help you in improving UI of your applications.
Now we are free to move to our fifth method which we can use to improve UI of our applications.....

5. Use illustrations

The fifth method which we can use to improve UI of our applications is to use illustrations in your applications to make your application more user friendly. If you have no idea what does illustrations mean here. Then I will tell you that illustrations are images which illustrate user by using vectors. If you know what are illustrations then you might have found that How much illustrations attract users. 

You have also seen many websites and applications showing many illustrations which are guiding you throughout the website or application. If you don't know where to get these illustrations then you may go to to get illustrations for your applications. You can search about any illustration that you want to use in your application.

Now we move to our next method to improve UI of our applications.....

6. Use material icons

You can use material icons in order to make you app look more attractive and user friendly. There are thousands of material icons which are available for free to use in kodular creator. For using material icons you have to use a label and then enter the code of material icon there in text option of label. 
Then you have to set the text typeface as material icons and you will see the text will be changed into the icon whose text  you have typed in  the text box of label. You can also change the font size and color of material icons.
You are also able to use the these material icons as icon for buttons which will improve the UI design of your application. For getting the codes for material icons you can visit by clicking here. 

So, friends these are the main methods which we can use to improve  UI design for your application in Kodular creator. You can also find many more ways to improve UI of your application during your application development journey.This was for today's tutorial and there's a information for you that we are changing the frequency of our posts. Now I will publish a new tutorial every 5th day. I think you might co-operate with this. If you have any suggestions you can comment below. See you again with a new tutorial.



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