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How to use Blocks in Text section in Kodular Creator?

How to use Blocks in Text section in Kodular Creator?

How to use Blocks in Text section in Kodular Creator?

 Guys welcome back to Learn Web Online, Today as you have seen we will be learning about using the main text related blocks. These text blocks are very useful while making your android application. We can edit, trim, join etc. text using the blocks which we will be talking about. The blocks which we will be learning to use today can be found under the built in components 'Text'. So, open your project to get live results to try these blocks your own. Here we start our tutorial without wasting time any more....

Blocks In text section

Here, we have the main blocks which we are going to learn to use today's tutorial

1. Text Block:


This block is used to denote a text string. This is the basic block which provide a text string in block section. We can use this block to give a text string to any other block. For example we can enter a text and set this text to a specific Label's text.

2. Join Text

This block is used to join two text strings and provide them as one text string as result. We can change the number of text string that we can join by clicking on gears icon. This will give us joined text in the order we provided the text strings.

3. Length of text

This block provide the number of characters in the given text to this block. This can be used to determine the character length of passwords etc.

4. Is empty

This tells us whether the text string provided to us is empty or the it has any character. If the given text string is empty then it returns true and if it is not empty then it returns false. We can use this for getting any value from user as an alter of "Length" Block.

5. Reverse

This block provide us the text string in  the reverse order in  which we have provided to it. This is also useful at many places. This returns the text as string in reversed order the text provided to it.

6. Trim

This trims the given text and provide us the text in the form as all the spaces removed from the given text string. Simply this removes and provide us the text string without any spaces. We can use this to make user ID from provided username.

7. Upcase

This block upcase or lowercase all the text provided. It accept and provide the text back in the form of a string with all the letters upcased or lowercased by the application.

8. Contains text piece

This block check the given text string contains the text piece provided as the piece string. If it contains the text then it returns true otherwise it returns false if text piece is not there.

9. Split text at

This block is used to get a list of text string splited at a given unicode character. For example if I want to split any URL at ' ' then it provide us a list of text strings splitted at the given character.

10. Segment text at

This block provide us a segment of a bigger text string which will start at the no. of characters is given as a string at start and length of the text to be segmented at Length.

So, guys these were the main blocks related to text strings. There are also other blocks but we will  talk about them in further tutorials. This are the blocks we use usually while making most of the applications, so I think you can easily develop your application by using these blocks. This was all for today. We will be back again till then...

Happy Koding......


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