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How to use Lottie Animations in Kodular Creator?

 How to use Lottie Animations in Kodular Creator?

Welcome back my friends, today we are back with our new tutorial. In today's tutorial we will be learning How to use Lottie Animations in Kodular? Before we start our tutorial we should discuss about the FAQ's related to Lottie in Kodular. So, here are the main FAQ's about Lottie animations Component in Kodular creator.

FAQ's about Kodular Creator

1. What are Lottie animation Component?

Lottie animation is a component provided in Kodular Creator. Simply we can say that Lottie animations is a components that allows us to show any animation from Lottie to use in our app. We can show any of animation listed on the website of Lottie files. We can search for thousands of animations there and then we get a json file which we can download and use in our app by uploading it in assets of our app. In this tutorial we are going to learn everything about how to use Lottie animations kodular creator. Now, I think you might have got what we are going to learn about. I assure that you will find this very useful and exciting during development of your application.

2. Benefits of using Lottie animations

After knowing what are Lottie animation component is about you might have got an idea of uses Lottie animations in your app. But if you don't then here we have benefits of using Lottie animations.
1. We can use an animation to illustrate any action to user. For ex. No internet notification etc.
2. It makes our app more professional than we could ever make before Lottie..
3. It is easy to implement and most of animations are free to use on Lottie Files.
4. It develops overall UI and UX of application.

That was some of the main FAQ's about Lottie animations component in Kodular Creator. Now, we move to our tutorial......

How to use Lottie Animations in Kodular Creator?

Here, we have how to use Lottie animation in our application. Firstly we should talk about how to get animations for our application.....

How to get Animations?

Step 1: Firstly visit in your browser.

Step 2: Then search for animations you want from search box in top layout.

Step 3: Then you will find results matching your keyword, now select your desired Animation and click on it

Step 4: Now you will find a button with download Json text. So, click on it to Download the file.

How to implement Lottie Animations in Kodular?

For implementing Lottie animations in Kodular Creator you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Click on the animations option in the sidebar.

Step 2: Now look for Lottie component there.

Step 3: You will find it on last position, So just drag and drop it to the place where you want to show it in your project viewer.

Now, you have added this component to your Project successfully. 

How to show our animation(JSON file) to Lottie Component?

Step 1: Download your desired animation's JSON file from Lottie Files.

Step 2: Now open your project and add Lottie component.

Step 3: Now upload the JSON file you downloaded to your assets.

Step 4: Then you need to look for Source option in Properties of Lottie Component.

Step 5: Here select the JSON file which you uploaded and want to show.

So, guys this was the method to show Lottie animations in Kodular Creator made application. I hope you Got it Well. This was all for today's tutorial. We will be back again with a new interesting and useful topic. Till then....

#Happy Diwali and 

Happy Koding......


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