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Showing posts from October, 2020

Progress bars in Kodular Creator Explained by Learn Web?

  Welcome back Guys to your Friend in your online journey. As you have seen today we are going to discuss about the progress bars available in Kodular creator. So guys, we are going top start our tutorial here..... Progress bars in Kodular Creator Explained by Learn Web? 1. Circular progress: The first type of progress bar in Kodular is Circular progress. This is found on the third position in User interface Components. In the above image you got an idea where we can find circular progress bar and how it looks like. Now we are going to discuss it's properties..... Properties of Circular Progress: 1.Color of Circular progress This option is used to set the Color of the progress of Circular Progress. 2. Height and Width: These options determines the height and width of Circular Progress. 3. Visible: This option sets whether we should keep Circular Progress Visible or In-visible when screen initialise. There is only blocks to set these properties for Circular Progress component. So, I...

How to make money with your blog in 2020?

  Welcome back again guys, Today we are going to talk about your most interesting topic "How to make money with your blog?". So, let's directly start our article without waiting any more and Here we start our article... How to make money with your blog in 2020? 1. Advertisements networks: The first way out for all the bloggers to make money from their blog is using display ads on their blog. The main and popular types of Display ads are as follows: 1. CPC Type ads: The main kind of display advertisements are of CPC or cost-per-click type ads. In such type of ads when a user finds a ad of interest and click on it. You will get Paid by such ad when you get a click as you can find in it's name that is You will get a cost for click or CPC. 2. CPM Type ads: The second most popular type of display ads system is the CPM or Cost per mille. Mille is latin word for thousand number.In this type of ads you will get paid on how much time is your ad seen and not on the basis of whe...

How to use Floating Action Button Component In Kodular ?

  So, today we are back again with our new fresh Tutorial on "How to use Floating Action Button Component In Kodular ?". Hope you will surely enjoy this tutorial, here we start our tutorial without wasting any more time.... How to use Floating Action Button Component In Kodular ? 1.What is floating action button? Floating action button is a button in android development which is always floating on the screen of device.This button is used in android development usually for carrying out any action by user's command and hence this is called Floating action button or FAB in short.We are also given a component to use floating action button in Kodular with the help of a component also named as Floating action Button.We are also provided many options in this component so that, we are able to use this button as many action button. 2.Why we should use Floating action Button? We should use Floating action Button because..... 1. It is always a attention Catching for user. 2. Makes a...

How to use Youtube Player in Kodular Creator?

  Welcome guys, today we are back again with our Today's tutorial on "How to use Youtube Player in Kodular Creator?". Now, let's directly start our tutorial without wasting any more time in Talking... How to use Youtube Player in Kodular Creator? 1. What is Youtube Player? Youtube Player is a component given in Kodular creator which we can implement in our app for free. This component enables us to play any video uploaded on youtube in our app.For playing any Video we only need the video ID of that youtube video which is found in the url of the video. This is like a video player in which we can play and control any youtube video without opening URL of video in Webview and which improve our app UI and UX. 2. Why Youtube Video Player? We use Youtube video player because of many benefits some of them are described as below: 1. To show any tutorial for our app. 2. Can control our app better. 3. This is a UX improving Component. 4. No need to get specific server if we need...

How to connect custom domain to blogger?

  So, guys today I am going to show you how to connect custom domain with Blogger.Now, we directly move to start our tutorial..... How to connect custom domain to blogger? We need to follow below steps to add a custom domain in Blogger... Step 1: Buying custom Domain online. Step 2: Setting up DNS in domain manager website. Step 3: Adding google's IP to DNS manager. Step 4: Saving and checking is Domain connected Successfully. Some FAQ..... What is Custom Domain? When we have made our blog on blogger by google we get a default web address with subdomain "" This domain feels not to be professional and feels like noting is valuable in such blog with such a web address. To make our blog professional looking we use a custom domain which is the domain of our choice, for eg.,, and many more... How to Buy a custom Domain? You have to buy a custom domain in order to connect custom domain with your blogger. For buying custom you...

How to use bottom navigation bar in Koduar Creator?

  How to use bottom navigation bar in Koduar Creator? Welcome my friends, today we are going to learn "How to use bottom navigation bar in Koduar Creator?" So,we directly start our tutorial on how to use Bottom navigation bar in Kodular Creator. What is bottom navigation bar? You might have seen some sort of layout in the bottom of a your screen enabling you to navigate between easily in application.The layout at the bottom used to navigate in between application is called bottom navigation bar in Android Development. In kodular you get a component bottom navigation bar to use this function. Benifits of using bottom navigation bar: 1. Enables you to give more function to user. 2. Makes application easy to use. 3. Enhances the looking of our application. 4. Makes it easy to navigate in application.  and much more..... How to implement Bottom Navigation Bar in Kodular Creator? Step 1: Open your Project In Kodular Creator in your computer and wait until your project loads. Step ...

Top 3 Website Hosting Companies in INDIA......

  Top 3 Website Hosting Companies in INDIA: So, today I am going to tell you about top 3 WEB hosting companies in INDIA.These are on the basis of my experience with all these of Web Hosting Companies. Now, we directly move to our article. 1. Hostinger Hostings :  If you are in India then you might have listened or seen ads for Hostinger's Hosting Service.Of course you must have seen hostinger is one of the best hosting companies available worldwide.They are one of the most trusted names in the field of web hosting companies. Hostinger is providing it's service to people since 2004. Hostinger was started as Hosting Media in 2004 and after 2004 the company is growing at a very fast rate because of their good services.Today, they are operating in more than 178 countries.They have more than 29 million registered users. You can simply understand their reach by this that they are getting one new users every 5 second and getting 15,000 new users daily. You can find more about Hosting...

Top 5 SEO-tools for new bloggers to grow your blog in 2020.

  Welcome back my friends to Learn Web. As you seen today we are going to talk about top 5 and best SEO tools for newbies bloggers.So,let's directly dive into it.... Top 5 SEO-tools for new bloggers to grow your blog in 2020: 1.Google Search Console: As you know that google is the most preferred and used searched engine on earth.Maybe on mars it won't be.....😃😃😃😃😃😃😃 Just joking...I know that you might be wondered with that but if i say you that google search is the biggest opportunity for you to get free and high quality traffic.So, for this google provide us Google Search Console for webmasters.This is official SEO tool provided by google. I also prefer you to use google search console as it is completely free for everyone. Google search console allow us to request our website or article indexing directly, know about problems with your site and also provide suggestions for you to improve your website. So, for getting started with google search console you should go to G...