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Top 5 SEO-tools for new bloggers to grow your blog in 2020.


Welcome back my friends to Learn Web. As you seen today we are going to talk about top 5 and best SEO tools for newbies bloggers.So,let's directly dive into it....

Top 5 SEO-tools for new bloggers to grow your blog in 2020:

1.Google Search Console:

As you know that google is the most preferred and used searched engine on earth.Maybe on mars it won't be.....😃😃😃😃😃😃😃 Just joking...I know that you might be wondered with that but if i say you that google search is the biggest opportunity for you to get free and high quality traffic.So, for this google provide us Google Search Console for webmasters.This is official SEO tool provided by google.
I also prefer you to use google search console as it is completely free for everyone.

Google search console allow us to request our website or article indexing directly, know about problems with your site and also provide suggestions for you to improve your website.

So, for getting started with google search console you should go to Google and Search Search console... and provide your web URL and confirm your ownership.

2.Keywords Everywhere:

I think you might have listened or used Keywords everywhere tool for improving and researching about Keywords.Keywords everywhere provide us addon for Mozilla and Chrome.It is most convenient SEO tool for all webmasters.
It provide you information about any keyword. You just need to type any keyword and it will provide you the CPC,Search Volume and competition for the keywords.
Not only this it also provide you the some related keywords searched on Search Engines.This tools also provide keyword information on youtube, bing, google and also on other websites.

3. Google Adwords:

Now we come again to another product by google officialy i.e. Google Adword's Keyword planner.You might also have listened about it,Of course it is the best keyword research tool provided by Google.I also use google adword's keyword planner for planning keyword and I would say that this is the best keyword research tool as it provide us exact information about keyword.As it is a product of google it provide information from google search engine and from adsense, it provide us exact information.So, we could rely on it for keyword research.
This also provide us thousands of keyword suggestions and make keyword research too much easier for us which is also absolutely free.For using it just search Google adwords in google and make your account on google adwords.In tools you can find keyword planner.


Now I am going to talk about the best paid keyword research tools available in SEO tools market.But these will cost you a high price.
You might have listened about Ahrefs SEO Tools sometime while researching about keyword tools. This is one of the most widely used paid SEO tool and will cost you $99 per month.If you have budget for using this SEO service, only then I prefer you to use this SEO service.
Ahrefs provide you tools like web monitoring, rank tracking, competitive analysis,content and keyword research and backlink research.They provide in-depth SEO tools for us.


My last SEO tool of the top 5 SEO tools list is SEM-rush. SEM-rush is the one of best marketing software providig you to boodt your traffic and earning with the help their more than 28 tools to help you to improve you SEO strategy and provide you keywords to get surge in your in your audience and reach of your blog.
I am sure you will be impressed with this marketing SEO tool but you will be shocked with it's price tag as it will be costing you  $99.95 per month.But you need not to pay before trying it.You get a free 7 day trial for their software.After trial you can easily buy their service and if you  don't want to continue with their service you can cancel your order.

So,these were the top 5 SEO research tools by my point of view. This was our today's article we will be back tomorrow for a new fresh article.Till then....

Happy Koding.....


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