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Top 3 Website Hosting Companies in INDIA......


Top 3 Website Hosting Companies in INDIA:

So, today I am going to tell you about top 3 WEB hosting companies in INDIA.These are on the basis of my experience with all these of Web Hosting Companies. Now, we directly move to our article.

1. Hostinger Hostings : 

If you are in India then you might have listened or seen ads for Hostinger's Hosting Service.Of course you must have seen hostinger is one of the best hosting companies available worldwide.They are one of the most trusted names in the field of web hosting companies.
Hostinger is providing it's service to people since 2004. Hostinger was started as Hosting Media in 2004 and after 2004 the company is growing at a very fast rate because of their good services.Today, they are operating in more than 178 countries.They have more than 29 million registered users.
You can simply understand their reach by this that they are getting one new users every 5 second and getting 15,000 new users daily. You can find more about Hostinger Here

Hostinger Plans:

1. Shared Web Hosting:
    •  Perfect for small new Websites
    •  Provide on time Service.
    •  Starting from only Rs. 59/ month.

2. Cloud Hosting:

   • Perfect for large projects with big traffic.
   • Website up time 24/7
   • Starting from Rs.599/month.

3. Email Hosting:

   • Best and Easy management.
   • Host your Private Meetings
   • Starting @ Rs.69/Month

4. Wordpress hosting:

  • Easy to manage and Integrate.
  • Free SSL certificate.
  • Starting @ Rs.59/Month

2.Miles Web:

The second choice for Hosting by my point of View is Miles Web.They are based in Maharastra,India and providing their services all over the world. Miles Web is not so popular but they are best and most affordable Web hosting company in India. You can directly call them or mail them to ask your query. They provide a very good consumer experience. i would really appreciate their Customer Support team.
They provide hosting with 24/7 uptime with every type of security possible.

 Miles Web Plans:

1.Shared Hosting:

  • Free SSL certificate.
  • 30-Day money back garuntee.
  • Starting at Rs.40/month

2.Reseller Hosting:

    Powered by cPanel.
    100% Secure Hosting.
    Starting @ Rs.290/Month

3. VPS hosting:

    Full Root access.
    100 MB/s speed servers.
    India based VPS.
    Starting @ Rs. 630/month.


Here, we are again going to talk about another local hosting company "Prohosty".Prohosty is a new name in the big companies of hosting comapnies.They are based in Uttar Pardesh,India. You can find directions for their office at google.I have a good experience with them for everything like customer support,Website management and Quality services.You can directly talk to their professional support Services and they are always ready to help you at every route of your hosting journey.They are the best and cheapest web hosting company for Indian traffic targeted websites.

Prohosty Plans:

1.Shared Hosting:

  • Free SSL certificate.
  • 30-Day money back garuntee.
  • Starting at Rs.35/month

2.Reseller Hosting:

    Powered by cPanel.
    100% Secure Hosting.
    Starting @ Rs.510/Month

3. VPS hosting:

    Full Root access.
    India based VPS.
    Starting @ Rs. 1200/month.

4. Cloud Hosting:
    24/7 Uptime your website.   
   Perfect for large projects with big traffic.
    Starting @ Rs.256/month.

So, these were the top 3 web hosting companies according to my point of view.You can check them out by searching on google, I will be not giving any affiliate link for their Services.Now, we are ending our article here and we will be again here with a new fresh topic.Till then.......

Happy Koding.....


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