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How to make money with your blog in 2020?


Welcome back again guys, Today we are going to talk about your most interesting topic "How to make money with your blog?". So, let's directly start our article without waiting any more and Here we start our article...

How to make money with your blog in 2020?

1. Advertisements networks:

The first way out for all the bloggers to make money from their blog is using display ads on their blog. The main and popular types of Display ads are as follows:

1. CPC Type ads:

The main kind of display advertisements are of CPC or cost-per-click type ads. In such type of ads when a user finds a ad of interest and click on it. You will get Paid by such ad when you get a click as you can find in it's name that is You will get a cost for click or CPC.

2. CPM Type ads:

The second most popular type of display ads system is the CPM or Cost per mille. Mille is latin word for thousand number.In this type of ads you will get paid on how much time is your ad seen and not on the basis of when a user click on ad.So, you will perfectly get your earning by every user.

So, these were the best type of display ads for your blog.But the point is that how will you place ads in your blog, here we have a "Ad program by Google called Google Adsense" and by this program google automatically shows ads of user interest based on his activity. So, we need not to directly contact with advertisers.There are also a lot of other ad network by the best is adsense for your every type of blog.

2. Sell Adspace in your website:

There is not only one way to earn with display ads in your website.You don't need any middle person between you and advertiser. If your blog or Website has a very large amount of traffic then advertisers can contact you and ask you sell your adspace to them. Adspace mean here that the widget or place in your website where you can promote advertiser offer.

In this you won't have any middle person whom you have to give some commission from your earnings. Here you will have direct contact with advertisers and hence you can earn a good amount of money from your blog. In this you can charge your advertiser according to the basis of monthly rent or you can sell them your adplace for a day,a week or any period of time. It may be for one hour.

So,this was the second method for you to earn with your blog after the option of ad network companies. After the option of Selling adspace we move to our next method to earn from our blog.

3. Use affiliate links:

The third option after the first two options given above is that you can add your affiliate links to your  blog in  which you can promote others products. It works like the method given below...

        1.If a advertiser wants to sell any product and you put your affiliate link in your blog then when any person goes through your link and buy that product you will get some commission from the profit made by the sale.

        2.You will get an affiliate link which will track user sent from your website by the given affiliate and he will track if the user made a purchase and paid the amount. Hence you will get your commission if the purchase has made successfully.

In this way you can promote any product related to your blog for example if you are writing about Hosting service you can add a Hosting Service affiliate link by which if a user makes a purchase you will get your earnings.

4. Sell your Digital products:

This is another way which you can use in your blog. In this way you will be making the highest earning in comparison with all other this method you will be selling any of your course or any other product made by you. In this you will not not get only some commission but all the profit that is to be made by any digital product.

You can easily sell any e-book, Software, themes,plugins,images and many more.You will be making a huge amount of money. For your inspiration I give you some rough estimation. Let us just say that I have 100K visitors every month and I am selling a e-book at price of  $20. So, if  only 1% of person buy our e-book then we can easily earn $20,000 every month.

So, this was the rough estimation about how much you can earn with your blog without any ad or anything else on your blog. This was the way by which you can earn with your blog by selling your Digital product by your blog.


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